The Animation Effects System consists of a gobo (steel or glass) in the pattern slot of any spotlight and an Animation Motor Unit positioned in the color slot with an Animation Disc attached.
The Animation Discs are stainless steel discs that are 16.5″ (42 cm) in diameter and are available in eleven different etched pattern designs.
The discs, being out of the focal plane, allows sharp focus on the gobo in the pattern slot while the rotating disc animates the effect of the gobo.
The Flicker Wheel Animation Disc provides a flicker effect in conjunction with high motor speed. This can be used for passing train effects or just to break up the beam of a spotlight for simple strobe effects.
Animation Discs available: Tangential Breakup, Radial Breakup, Spiral Breakup, Linear Breakup, Triangle Breakup, Cloud Breakup, Elliptical Breakup, Dot Breakup, Flicker Wheel, Coarse Radial Breakup and Coarse Tangential Breakup.
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